Web Dev Conf. The web development conference where web developers confer about web development.


so many designers

mess it with ur fingers

box model woah

css is gr8 m8

u cant code friendships

pub quiz, maybe?

keyframes 4 lyf

Hey pickle! Step right up and witness the greatest show on Earth*

WDC is a grassroots community conference for anyone who makes stuff for the web. Join us for a day of talks, chats and laughs, and an evening of more chats and more laughs.

Pickleland Fountain Pickleland Castle, legally different from any other theme park castle

* that we could afford on an indie conference budget while corporate events hoover up every ounce of industry mindshare to shill their own products.

CSS Carousel - All Aboard!
Colston Statue Flume - Splish Splash The Fash!
Parent Pickle puzzled as to why Pickleland even exists Parent Pickle pointing to Pickleland
Pickle pointing to our amazing speaker list

Eight amazing speakers

With talks covering topics from across the web and beyond. You're sure to leave the wild and wonderful wold of WDC with smidgens and tidkits of amazing advice.


Our schedule will be confirmed soon!

Pickles enjoying a log flume Dancing Pickle Photo of the watershed

Our incredible venue

WDC is taking place at the Watershed, an independent cinema and creative arts centre on Bristol's harbourside. They've been championing the creative arts for forty years and have served as WDC's home for the last seven. We love it here, and know you will too.

The Watershed, 1 Canon's Rd, Bristol BS1 5TX

Walking Pickles

Made possible by our fabulous partners

Pickle Statue

Get your tickets to the greatest show on earth